Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore, ThD, DMin

Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore is a well-respected Global Interfaith and Global Missionary Leader, Humanitarian and Educator. He is the Senior Pastor of the International Community Baptist Churches, USA and the Philippines. He has over 45 years of proven mission work. He is a visionary and church planter of 74 churches in Africa, Philippines, India, South Korea, Jamaica and other countries. Bishop Baltimore has been in ministry 60 years. He has ministered on 6 continents, more than 51 countries, led 101 global mission crusades. “Messages of Hope” have been broadcast in 135 countries. His religious writings and opinions on various political, social and human rights issues have been discussed at universities and to influence generations.

Bishop Baltimore is the Founder and Presiding Prelate of the Ecumenical Global Mission Alliance, Inc., a Mission Reformation established to provide membership opportunity to synergize ecumenical religious bodies and individuals, embracing diverse nationalities, cultures and communities, the opportunity to build relationships that provide the opportunity to expand members’ collaboration and fellowship with networks of like- minded missional leaders; equip members who desire to birth and/or expand their ministries in local and global missions; provide opportunities for commissioning and sending full time missionaries to serve abroad; and provide opportunities for professional Missiology development, mentorship for members and students with a “calling” and desire to “go” and serve on/in the mission field, just to name a few.

Bishop Baltimore is the visionary, founder and organizer of CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc. – a Christian, Charitable and Nonprofit organization of churches, mission schools, healthcare and socio-economic endeavors to enhance the lives of all nationalities. He is the visionary of 15 teaching and learning institutions to include the Carroll A. Baltimore Christian Academy (Pre-K through 6th grade), the C.A.B. learning Centers and Bible Institutes; GED and Non-Formal Education programs for alternative learning and vocational training; and the C.A.B. Southern Mindanao School of Theology that furthers the implementation of the “CAB Mission Model” and philosophy of multicultural education and Christian principles. He is the Founder and President/CEO of Global Alliance Interfaith Networks (G.A.I.N.) an organization that partners with corporate, government, interdenominational, non-profit and other organizations to address the many disparities in society and around the globe.

Bishop Baltimore served as the 19th President of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC), serving from 2010-2014, consisting of 2.5 million global constituents with the theme, “Securing Our Future.” PNBC is the denominational home of the late, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other iconic civil and human rights leaders. He advocated for the disenfranchised and middle class through global dialogue on social justice, education, cultural diversity, judicial equity and civil and human rights. For PNBC, Bishop Baltimore secured partnerships and collaborated with the Justice Department, Department of Education, Housing and Urban Development, and other agencies. He attended the Presidential briefings weekly. Bishop Baltimore is regularly sought to serve on domestic and international organizations dealing with poverty, health care disparities, immigration, hate crimes, gun control, criminal and climate justice. He is a Social Justice Elder for Sojourner’s, Inc. and facilitated at their summit on Racial Justice, as as a keynoter at the Interfaith Conference in El Salvador to end hate crimes. Bishop Baltimore is featured on the widely acclaimed global video production of the “Reclaiming Jesus” Movement. He was appointed by President Obama to serve on the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, advising the Executive and Legislative Departments on how to reduce poverty, inequality and inequity recommending changes in policies, programs, and practices to best address the low-income and under-served communities. As an expert and thought leader, Bishop Baltimore presented his perspectives and views to Congressional Steering Committees and Members of Congress on a number of grassroots issues and concerns. He was honored to speak at the first White House Summit addressing human trafficking and sex slavery.

He is the President Emeritus for Creation Justice Ministries (CJM), representing the environmental justice policies of 39 global denominations representing 100,000 churches; Vice-Chair of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), focusing on global eco-justice; Advisory Board for Center for Earth Ethics (CEE) at Union Theological Seminary; member of the Baptist World Alliance Commission on Ministry; and is the Global Missions Director & Chair, Advisory Council and as the Senior Statesman for Ecumenical Association of Leaders & Pastors (EALP). His thought provoking and informative writings and opinions on various theological discourses, social and environmental justice issues, human rights principles and policies have been used as part of the curriculum topics of discussion at secular and religious institutions to influence generations of ministers and laity.

He was selected to lead a delegation of African American religious leaders to Israel and dialogued with stakeholders from both sides concerning peace in the Middle East. He was requested by the Indonesian Ambassador to journey to the Middle East with other religious leaders from the Abrahamic Faith Traditions. He served as part of the “The Agent Orange Interfaith Delegation” to Vietnam to highlight the continued devastation of the deadly chemical in the country. He participated at the International Eco-Justice Summit for Religions for the Earth Conference at Union Theological Seminary, New York. He is a contributor to the Content Development Working Group of Columbia University’s Center on African American Religion. Bishop Baltimore was the baccalaureate keynote speaker at the prestigious and historical Tuskegee University, AL. Served as a lecturer/presenter with Vice President Al Gore at Union Theological Seminary, New York; at The Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) and at other colleges and universities, to include Georgetown University, George Mason University and Virginia University of Lynchburg.

He graduated with honors earning two doctorates from the following accredited institutions; Associate of Arts from Luther Rice College, VA; Bachelor in Religious Studies from George Mason University, VA; Masters & Doctor of Theology from International Seminary, FL; and Doctor of Ministry in Global Missions from the Virginia University of Lynchburg, VA. In addition, Bishop Baltimore has been bestowed with several honorary doctorates because of his extensive Missions and Humanitarian work.

He is listed in the Book of Honors, the Directory of Distinguished Americans, and Who’s Who Among Religious and Global Business Leaders Worldwide. He is a Life Member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Northern Virginia Baptist Association, Inc.; and was appointed a Police Captain for serving over 42 years as the first African American Chaplain with the Fairfax County Police Department in Virginia. He continues to serve selflessly and faithfully so that there is a prophetic voice across all sectors of society.

He is married to Dr. Liz Baltimore and together they are exceptional parents, grandparents and mentors to children around the globe.

Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., ThD, DMin

Summary of Accomplishments:

Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., ThD, DMin, is a well respected global Interfaith Leader, Missionary, Humanitarian and Educator.  He is the Senior Pastor and Leader of the International Community Baptist Churches, USA and the Philippines.  He is the founder and organizing President and visionary of the CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc., a nonprofit network of interdenominational Christian churches, partners and affiliates that focus on the global Mission.  His “CAB Mission Model” implements Education, Medical/Health, Evangelism, Church Planting, Disaster Relief, Outreach and Empowerment Ministries and more strategies with two CAB Headquarters located in the USA and the Philippines.  He has served on six continents, more than 48 countries and led over 95 global mission crusades.  Bishop Baltimore is a church planter and the visionary of over 74 churches in The Philippines, India, Africa, South Korea and Jamaica; where his work has expanded to several underserved communities.  Bishop Baltimore’s messages have been broadcast in over 135 countries. 

Bishop Baltimore has ministered in numerous countries in Africa such as Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe; and the Middle East, Israel, Jordon, South Vietnam, Europe, Germany, Turkey, Haiti, Barbados, Bermuda, West Indies, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Columbia; and numerous other countries.  Bishop Baltimore founded his “CAB Mission Model”; mentored ministers and church planters; and has trained thousands of missionaries, Pastors and students that have adopted and implemented his strategies for missions, outreach and evangelism in countries throughout the world.  He consistently develops training and provides advice on issues that affect the lives and cultures of people of all nationalities.

Bishop Baltimore has ministered in numerous countries in Africa such as Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe; and the Middle East, Israel, Jordon, South Vietnam, Europe, Germany, Turkey, Haiti, Barbados, Bermuda, West Indies, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Columbia; and numerous other countries.  Bishop Baltimore founded his “CAB Mission Model”; mentored ministers and church planters; and has trained thousands of missionaries, Pastors and students that have adopted and implemented his strategies for missions, outreach and evangelism in countries throughout the world.  He consistently develops training and provides advice on issues that affect the lives and cultures of people of all nationalities.

Bishop Baltimore served with distinction as the 19th President of the ​Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC – 2010 to 2014), leading 2.5 million international members of the organization’s denominational home of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil and human rights leaders, to include Dr. Otis Moss, Dr. Alfred J. Smith, Sr.; the late Dr. Wyatt T. Walker, Dr. Gardner Taylor and Dr. Fred Shuttlesworth and many more.  During his tenure, Bishop Baltimore’s strategies, goals and action plans served to “Secure the Future” of the core values of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC).

Bishop Baltimore was appointed by President Barack Obama as a viable member of the 44th president’s Advisory Council for Faith Based Neighborhood Partnerships; advised the Executive and Legislative Branches and leaders on poverty and inequality issues; and recommended policies, programs and practices for low income and underserved communities.  He participated on numerous White House/Administration panels and task forces regarding healthcare, education, climate change, gun violence, human trafficking, employment; and more to provide his knowledge, experience and advice.

Bishop Baltimore graduated with honors earning two doctorates. He earned a Bachelor in Religious Studies from George Mason University, VA; Masters & Doctor of Theology from International Seminary, FL; and a Doctor of Ministry (Global Missiology) from the Virginia University of Lynchburg, VA.; and Diploma in Theology, Washington Baptist Seminary, DC.  Also, Dr. Baltimore has received several honorary doctorates for his Missiology and Humanitarian work.

Bishop Baltimore’s leadership has spanned the globe and resonated with world leaders, executives and the grassroots in indigent and tribal communities, to educate and teach children, families, Pastors and ministers.  He is the visionary of 15 teaching schools and learning institutions that include the Carroll A. Baltimore Christian Academy, Inc. and it’s branches; C.A.B. Learning Centers; GED and Non-Formal Alternative Education Programs; and the C.A.B. Southern Mindanao School of Theology, implement his “CAB Mission Model”. His mission model efforts also includes medical clinics, employment, church planting, employment, and numerous outreach in poverty stricken communities; and Short Term Mission Teams of diverse missionaries and professionals that go at their own expensive and give funds to assist the less fortunate and people in dire need.

Bishop Baltimore serves/has served with a number of diverse organizations including, President, Global Alliance Interfaith Networks, LLC; The Baptist World Alliance, Ministry Commission; Metropolitan Bishop of the Global United Fellowship; Columbia University’s Center on African American Religion; Vice President, Creative Ministries, Inc. and the National Religious Partnership for the Environment; Social Justice Elder with Sojourners, Inc. and featured member of its global acclaimed production of the “Reclaiming Jesus” Movement and Video; organizing member of Shoulder to Shoulder; the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, African American Outreach Advisory Council; Board of Directors, Church World Services, and the Mission Relationship & Witness Committee; and Vice Chair of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. 

Bishop Baltimore was appointed a Captain with over 25 years as a Chaplain, Fairfax County Police Department, VA.; and other religious and secular organizations dealing with global strategies, plans and opportunities for the indigenous and underprivileged of all nations.

Dr. Baltimore lectured and participated in educational forums at several colleges and universities such as Tuskegee University, Interdenominational Theological Center, Virginia University, Lynchburg; the Union Theological Seminary; Columbia University; Seattle University, State of Washington; Georgetown University; and several other higher educational institutions.  He has written the Forewords in several books; been featured in publications and magazines such as Inside Climate Change, Rejuvenate and others expressing his experiences, values, opinions and views. He is currently writing a book and has authored several handbooks addressing ministry and church administration.  Bishop Baltimore’s relevant and prophetic messages and writings are used as part of the curriculum in universities and seminaries for candidates to earn academic credits and to develop their own ministries.  Frequently, he is encouraged by testimonies from ministers who bring credibility to the fact that his writings, thoughts and experiences are extremely useful and have affected their lives in ministry.

Bishop Baltimore has received numerous honors and awards.  He is listed in the Book of Honors, Directory of Distinguished Americans, and Who’s Who Among Religious & Global Business Leaders Worldwide; and he has received numerous international awards, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. and Kentucky Colonel State and international awards.

Bishop Baltimore is married to his lovely wife, Dr. Liz Baltimore.  They have five children, several grandchildren; and are mentors to numerous international children and students.

Further Details:

Bishop Baltimore is the visionary, founder and organizer of CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc. – a Christian, Charitable and Nonprofit organization.  Bishop Baltimore developed his “CAB Mission Model” and works closely with partners and affiliates at all levels to alleviate cultural, socio-economic and religious barriers to provide humanitarian assistance for a better quality of life.  Mission donations are used to implement the work directly in the missional areas where the organization’s Mission Teams assess the needs of the people that benefit from the organization’s work; where people’s spiritual, physical and mental lives are improved; and where local people can participate in sustaining their own communities.  With over 40 years of experience and academic training, Bishop Baltimore provides leadership for diverse groups of domestic and international clergy, missionaries and skilled professionals to work together on the international mission field to share their time, talents and personal resources.  Through his leadership, CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc. provides free eye, medical and dental care and healthcare clinics; education for children, seniors and adults in poor communities where they cannot afford an education; organizes/builds schools and educational facilities; opportunities for economic development, employment, housing and small businesses; food, clothing and life skills training for families, seniors and people with disabilities; plants/builds churches in communities and remote areas where others will not go; provides advice for environmental and climate change programs; scholarships for students, orphans, and Pastors in low income and poor areas; opportunities for internships and experience for University/Seminary Missiology students; and much more.  The “CAB Mission Model” implemented the Carroll A. Baltimore Christian Academy, Inc. (Pre-K through High School), the CAB Non-Formal Education programs for alternative learning and vocational training; with branches and satellite schools in numerous rural and mountainous areas.  The CAB Southern Mindanao School of Theology (CAB SMST) was founded and organized.  Graduating Students, including Pastors and ministers, are placed and work in pioneer areas to further implement the “CAB Mission Model”; and the philosophy of multicultural inclusiveness in education, evangelism and missions.  Bishop Baltimore and his family and friends personally donate their own resources and funds to strategize and implement the “CAB Mission Model” programs for the underserved; and to reach the lost. 

Bishop Baltimore is the President/CEO of the Global Alliance Interfaith Network, LLC (G.A.I.N.).  President Baltimore continues to partner, lead, facilitate, moderate and participate in global dialogues and venues pertaining to missions, social justice, eco-justice, education, cultural diversity, human trafficking, human rights and education.  This organization was organized to galvanize a network of diverse faith-based and community leaders across denominations; independent and government leaders; and grassroots to intentionally collaborate and take action on issues where there is common beliefs and concerns for public policies, partnerships and issues for change in local to global communities.  G.A.I.N. is addressing societies at the local, national, regional and international levels for peoples of different cultures, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds.   The goal of G.A.I.N. is to bring together diverse groups of people from different perspectives to address social justice, education and mission concerns and programs affecting communities peoples of every creed and color throughout the nation and world.

Dr. Baltimore expanded the reach and future of the convention while serving as the 19th President President of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC, 2010-2014) to “Secure The Future”, with financial and administrative good standing.  Dr. Baltimore’s and his cabinet served as advocated for the well being of humanity at all levels of society; and continued the convention’s work to diligently make a difference in eradicating problems faced by constituents, cross cultural communities, the nation and the globe.  During the Yolanda Super Typhoon, Dr. Baltimore was physically in the Philippines conducting his own mission work; and personally witnessed the devastation of the storm upon the Filipino Pastors and people.  Dr. Baltimore initiated the “PNBC President’s Mission Project” resulting in the Convention raising significant funds that rebuilt 144 homes for Filipino Pastors that lost their homes in the super storm.  On behalf of PNBC, Dr. Baltimore personally partnered with the Convention of Philippines Baptist Churches and assured homes were built for the Pastors.  The goal was accomplished and Pastors remained in their communities to help stabilize and serve their congregations.  He initiated programs for supporting/funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities; wounded warriors; people with disabilities; and disaster relief.  He convened forums and created platforms with organizations dealing with relevant issues involving poverty, health care, hate crimes, domestic violence, gun control, human trafficking, economic, education, social and climate justice.  Dr. Baltimore led the 50th anniversary of the convention in Washington, D.C. where the Secretary of Education made an inspiring speech encouraging PNBC to continue its advocacy and education for all.  He took action that assured the convention’s participation and important voice in the development of public policies and legislation at all levels, especially policies affecting the quality of lives of children and future generations; and the disenfranchised, the poor and middle class.  Dr. Baltimore invited and exposed his constituents to networks of various speakers from the grassroots that were internal and external to the convention, educators, congressional policy experts, and interdenominational leaders that provided the convention delegates with resources that could be used in their own lives, churches and communities.  Dr. Baltimore provided programs and immediate leadership for PNBC involvement and response to natural disasters in the United States.

Dr. Baltimore reconnected the convention with former churches in Cuba; increased diversity and inclusiveness by expanding recognition of the Apache Nation; provided an increased role for Women in Ministry and the younger Clergy.  He worked closely with the Youth Director and increased the emphasis to an entire day for youth participation in the convention; and invited speakers, such as Judge Gregory Mathis, Rev. Bernice King, Kathy Taylor and Tye Tribbett, in coordination with the Youth and encouraged their future in the convention.  Dr. Baltimore enhanced partnerships with the National Council of Churches; the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital “Sunday of Hope” Advisory Board; and the School of Theology & Ministry “Christian Circle of Peace”, Seattle University, Washington; and many others. 

Bishop Baltimore serves/served with international leaders to accomplish common goals.  He was a leader in The Agent Orange Interfaith Delegation to Vietnam sponsored by the Ford Foundation to further deal with the aftermath of the Vietnam War, resulting in funds being appropriated by Congress to assist families.  Bishop Baltimore provided leadership for two (2) historical journeys to the Middle East with a select diverse group of national religious leaders that explored peace, education and funding issues for families and stakeholders, resulting in Congressional action.  Bishop Baltimore’s collaborated with National leaders as a member of the African American Leaders Collaboration that provided significant funds that together, these four National Organizations, built homes for displaced people in Haiti.  Bishop Baltimore personally provided funds to start a Haiti Tree Planting Project for his own organization and agreed to help with eco-justice and efforts to help boost employment for poor Haitians.  He actively serves as a member of “The Bishops for Social Justice”, which is an interdenominational group of Bishop’s advocating for inequalities and justice for all people.

Bishop Baltimore’s civic, community and educational service is extensive.  He served for four (4) years as a member of the Board of Visitors (Trustees) at George Mason University, Virginia, helping to shape, influence and guide the university’s current diversity programs. He provided significant advice that introduced extensive programs, such as the Bachelor of Independent Studies and the George Mason School of Law.  He served on the Citizen’s Advisory Committee and Consortium for Continuing Higher Education; and the Project Advisor for Higher Education Programs in Northern Virginia; the Mayor of Alexandria’s Special Task Force for the Teen & Adolescent Pregnancy; Board of Trustees and Professor of Homiletics, Missions and Evangelism, at the Eastern Theological Seminary, Virginia; and the Board of Trustees, Epic Bible College, Nigeria.  Bishop Baltimore was the first President of the Bethany House, a safe place for abused and battered women in Virginia.  He was appointed as a delegate to represent Virginia at the National Summit on Africa, introducing and defending the need for a global child labor and slavery policies that influenced U.S. Foreign policy for Africa; and was an organizing member of the Coalition of Virginia for Africa; and served as a member of the Children’s Defense Fund; and much more.
Bishop Baltimore is a life member of the NAACP and the Northern Virginia Baptist Association, Inc.  He is a member of several ministers’ conferences in Northern Virginia and the D.C Baptist Ministers and Vicinity Conferences; and several other State, local, national and global organizations.
Throughout his service, Bishop Baltimore continues to be committed to his Calling, ministry, family; and love for people of all nations.