"A Global Mission Operating
Outside the Walls"

"A Global Mission Operating
Outside the Walls"

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To CAB Ministries Using Givelify
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"We Are Climbing Mountains For the Next Generations"
Faith Partners & Friends of the CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc.
“Your Support is Appreciated”
CAB Outreach International Ministries. Inc. is a Charitable, Education and Religious Christian nonprofit Organization that meets the needs of others to sustain physical, mental and physical well being of peoples of all nationalities globally. We currently have two main Headquarters in the USA and the Philippines.
Over 70 churches have been planted; over 15 schools are operating in several areas; outreach ministries; medical clinics; and evangelistic crusades meet the needs of people in diverse communities. People on 6 continents and over 40 countries have been blessed in African countries, Asia, Philippines, the Middle East, Israel, India, Turkey, South Korea, Vietnam, Europe, London, Germany, Cuba, South America, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica, Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada and many more countries. Messages of hope have been heard in over 135 countries.
With support from Faith Partners and Friends, we have missions, churches and schools, outreach and evangelistic ministries to meet the needs of families and communities. We develop certified elementary, higher academic education and life skills; provide medical care, medicines and supplies, jobs, daily necessities, pastoral care, church and school facilities and supplies, economic empowerment and disaster recovery. We teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bring Christian hope. We improve the quality of life of peoples of all nationalities, especially in underserved communities throughout the globe.
We believe that no one person, church or organization can do it all alone, therefore partnerships are extremely important to reach our mutual goals. Together, we work with caring, loving and mission-minded churches, Pastors, organizations, community leaders, and individuals in local communities, including remote and even difficult areas, to reach people in need. We conduct annual international, evangelistic and mission crusades, workshops, training institutes, conferences and conventions. We provide internship opportunities for students; and interactive computer learning programs. Children and adults in low income, underprivileged and difficult areas receive education and health care. We handle severe environmental and social issues affecting thousands of people in dire need; and assist local community leaders develop strategies for capacity building and sustainable quality of life for families and indigenous tribes.
For over 36 years in the Philippines, the CAB organization has local Pastors, teachers, doctors and workers that serve in our churches and schools. We maintain our headquarters campus with church, school and housing facilities. Local Filipinos and Short Term Mission volunteer Teams serve in the Philippines. The local CAB teams go throughout the country to assess, plan and evangelize for future work; and encourage the Pastors, workers and indigenous communities. We teach, preach, provide food, clothing and necessities in places where the people get a good meal and care only when the CAB teams come to their communities.
In the Philippines, the CAB Christian Academy and over ten (10) satellite/extensions that educate students from preschool to 6th grade. The Academy is consistently commended by the Philippines Department of Education and community leaders for exceptional learning techniques and skills. The students are cited for academic achievements in competitions; and the school receives awards for exceptional education. Children and young adults in the poverty stricken communities are assisted with Student Scholarships. The CAB School of Theology has graduated students and pastors in Biblical Studies, Christian Education and more; and Pastors graduating from our Christian schools are placed in CAB churches. CAB Pastors work in partnership with local groups to provide training, jobs, tutorial and mentoring skills training in the communities. Professional Doctors and medical staff serve in Medical clinics as an outreach tool to provide care for people who typically cannot afford medical services, surgery, dental and eye care.
We ask that you consider and encourage others to include CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc. in your personal, church and organizations Annual/Monthly budget. Effective stewardship of your resources and donations are a matter of integrity and accountability. 96% of Mission/humanitarian donations go directly to the work on the Mission field.
CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc. partners with others to accomplish our mutual mission goals. We appreciate Faith Partners, Friends of Missions; and CAB Volunteers who pay their own expenses to go to help others. We appreciate your support. Your charitable donations to CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc. are tax deductible according to IRS regulations.
Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore, President, Senior Pastor and Global Missionary, has conducted his personal 94th mission crusade; and gives much of his personal resources to the ministries and Mission work. The Global Alliance Interfaith Network, LLC (GAIN) partnership assists with providing free services to help the indigenous and underprivileged children and families in the Philippines and other countries.
Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore, President, Senior Pastor and Global Missionary, has conducted his personal 94th mission crusade; and gives much of his personal resources to the ministries and Mission work. The Global Alliance Interfaith Network, LLC (GAIN) partnership assists with providing free services to help the indigenous and underprivileged children and families in the Philippines and other countries.