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Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore
My Path
Bishop Baltimore has traveled extensively and ministered throughout the globe. He has led over 96 mission crusades, ministered on six continents, planted over 74 churches in Africa, Philippines, India, South Korea, Jamaica and several other countries. He develops and leads religious, private and nonprofit organizations and church ministries. Bishop Baltimore serves as a consultant, expert and thought leader in Mission, Evangelism and Outreach programs; mentors and trains numerous students, Pastors and missionaries; and serves in pastoral and overseer ministries.
We Believe
We believe in partnering worldwide with individuals, organizations and ministries that view the globe as one nation; and accept responsibility to promote and support Socio-Economic, Mission and Outreach programs. We believe in addressing issues that affect underserved people suffering from the lack of education, medical services, homelessness, poverty, injustices, climate change, health care, employment, basic life necessities; and other concerns in global multi-ethnic and multi-generational families and communities. We Believe in Partnering with CAB Outreach International Ministries, Inc., Mission Programs to help “the least of these” peoples have a better quality of life.

My Community
Bishop Baltimore has led over 96 mission crusades, ministered on six continents, planted over 74 churches in Africa, Philippines, India, South Korea, Jamaica and other countries. He serves as a consultant; and mentors and trains numerous students, Pastors and missionaries.